Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Running after Pregnancy, how?

It is with great pleasure that RUNSAFE introduces a new research direction with the main focus on running during and after pregnancy.

01.07.2015 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Running during pregnancy, is it ok? ...and running after pregnancy, how?
These questions are commonly asked to midwifes in clinical practice. Unfortunately, only a very few scientific studies are published in this field, which makes it difficult for midwives to base their advise on evidence-based knowledge. To develop evidence-based guidelines, more research is highly needed in this area.

"Running and pregnancy": New research direction in RUNSAFE:
Owing to the massive popularity of running, it is important to further study the adverse- and positive effects of running during and after pregnancy. RUNSAFE now seeks a scientific endeavour in this field. A research direction entitled "Running and pregnancy" is born, lead by Professor Ellen Aagaard Nøhr from University of Southern Denmark. Ellen has helped RUNSAFE members in previous research project including novice runners. Now, the target group is changed towards pregnant women and women in the puerperium, which makes Ellen on her home ground, since she worked in clinical practice as a midwife for many years.

Skilled master student identified:  Ellen has identified a skilled and engaged master student, Anne Rosenbæk, to complete a cross-sectional study on previously pregnant women as a part of her master thesis. RUNSAFE looks forward to set sail and help Anne during her studies. Anne says "My motivation for studying running during and after pregnancy, is thereby partly based on my own personal interest in running, but more so, as I believe it is a field that warrants exploration, as research about physical activities in pregnancy and in the puerperium is needed."

Forskning, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe, Uddannelse