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RUNSAFE´ers attend the IOC World Conference

Michael Bertelsen, Camma Damsted and Sten Rasmussen attend the IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport in Monaco 16-18 March 2017

11.01.2017 | Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Dato tor 16 mar lør 18 mar
Tid 14:33    14:34
Sted Monaco
Tilmelding er lukket

On March 16-18th 2017, Michael Bertelsen, Camma Damsted and Sten Rasmussen attend the "IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport". All three have their abstracts accepted as poster presentations:

Michael Bertelsen presents the abstract entitled "The impact of running injuries in relation to other reasons for discontinued running in novice runners".

Camma Damsted presents the abstracts entitled "The impact of running level on the association between running distance and injury risk" and "The influence of the time scale used in time-to-event analyses on the identification of training-related risk factors in running".

Sten Rasmussen presents the abstract entitled "Is awareness of preventive training associated with decreased risk of injury?"


Visit the IOC conference website here

Follow the conference on Twitter: @IOCprev2017

Konference, Alle grupper, Runsafe, Runsafe