Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Strategic Partnerships with Industry workshop

Learn how to be successful in creating and further developing partnerships between your faculty, department, research center etc. and local and international corporations. This half-day workshop gives you a unique opportunity to learn about the five success factors for creating strategic industry partnerships, and how to use the Industry Partnership Canvas as your strategic tool in the process.

03.04.2018 | Signe Schou

Dato man 11 jun
Tid 12:30 17:00
Sted Richard Mortensenstuen, Stakladen, Frederik Nielsens Vej 2, 8000 Aarhus C.

If you wish to register, please contact Bettina Dencker Hansen.


12:30 – 12:40: Welcome by Brian Bech Nielsen

12:40 – 13:00: Introduction – from ad hoc to strategic university-industry partnerships

13:00 – 14:00: The success factors for strategic university-industry partnerships – the company perspective

14:00 – 14:15: Coffee break

14:15 – 16:00: How to use the Industry Partnership Canvas to assess and define the future direction of your approach to industry engagement (group work)

16:00 – 17:00: Wrap-up and individual mentoring Target

Target Audience

People from Aarhus University responsible for/involved in industry collaboration at different levels (faculty, department, research centers, etc.)


Dr. Lars Frølund is development manager at Aarhus University and a Research Affiliate at the MIT Innovation Initiative. His research focuses on the success factors for university-industry partnerships in innovation ecosystem and the role and value of intermediaries. He is the co-editor of the book Success Factors for University Partnerships (forthcoming Elsevier, summer 2018) where leading companies describe their excellence in industry-university collaboration. Recently he has worked with prof. Fiona Murray (MIT) and Dr. Max Riedel (Siemens) on the six questions a company must ask itself to develop a systematic approach to university partnerships in innovation ecosystems. The paper “Developing Successful Strategic Partnerships with Universities” is published by Sloan Management Review (Winter Issue 2017/18).

Lars Frølund has a Master’s degree in philosophy (2004) and a PhD in corporate programs for university engagement (2017). He has received Aarhus University’s Gold Medal for outstanding academic achievement and was a Fulbright Scholar at MIT Innovation Initiative in 2016/17.

Dr. Max Riedel is senior consultant at Siemens Corporate Technology University Relations. His daily tasks include consulting Siemens businesses in all aspects of university cooperation, ranging from developing a partnering strategy over finding suitable research partners to fostering long-term strategic cooperation. He is currently delegated to the University of Ulm to support the ramp-up of the Quantum Technologies Flagship initiative, one of the European Commission’s most ambitious long-term projects to bring technology from the lab to the market. Before this assignment, he was the key account manager for two of Siemens’ Strategic Partner Universities.

Together with Lars Frølund, Max is co-editor of the book Success Factors for University Partnerships (forthcoming Elsevier, winter 2017) and co-author of Engaging in Regional Innovation Ecosystems – Six Questions to Get Your University Partnerships Right! (forthcoming Sloan Management Review, Winter Issue 2017/18).

Max holds a Master’s (2006) and a PhD degree in physics (2011).

Seminar, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder, Universitetsledelsens Stab, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Ph.d.-studerende