Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

The 31st Annual Meeting in SSRCTS: on Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Research

As always the Annual Meeting in SSRCTS will take place in February at Bardøla Høyfjellshotell, Geilo, Norway.

23.10.2021 | Alexander Emil Kaspersen

Dato tor 10 feb lør 12 feb
Tid 14:00    23:00
Sted Bardøla Høyfjellshotell, Geilo, Norway

Dear all,

This year’s conference focuses on the interdisciplinary integration serving to provide the best diagnostics, treatment, and monitoring of patients with heart, lung, vascular or other thoracic diseases. We wish to focus on the crucial collaboration between specialties and disciplines.

We therefore invite all specialties and professional groups involved with the clinical, scientific, or technological aspects of cardiothoracic surgery, cardiology, anesthetics, perfusion, thoracic oncology, hemostasis or thrombosis, or those in the process of creating the innovative solutions of tomorrow for these patients. In return, we will thrive to facilitate a highly scientific and informal environment for you to present and discuss your research.





E.g. Designing new equipment or creating tools for patient assessment leading up to interventional procedures or surgery

E.g. Presentations of interesting cases, results of new techniques or factors which may improve current treatment practice

E.g. Optimization of postprocedural monitoring and patient care or evaluation of adverse events - it’s all about saving lives

  • cardiothoracic surgery
  • cardiology
  • anesthetics
  • thoracic oncology
  • hemostasis
  • science of engineering
  • cardiothoracic surgery
  • cardiology
  • anesthetics
  • perfusion
  • thoracic oncology
  • hemostasis
  • thrombosis
  • science of engineering
  • cardiothoracic surgery
  • cardiology
  • anesthetics
  • thoracic oncology
  • thrombosis
  • science of engineering

Please visit our website: www.ssrctsnordic.com for further instructions on abstract guidelines.
Abstract deadline: 30 December 2021

We are looking forward to hear from you!
On behalf of the organizing committee.

Yours sincerely,

Associate Professor Peter Johansen, MSc, PhD
President of SSRCTS

Dept. of Engineering & Dept. of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
Aarhus University & Aarhus University Hospital
Aarhus, Denmark

Konference, Sundhed og sygdom, Alle grupper, ctvs, ctvs, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Institut for Folkesundhed, Institut for Biomedicin, Kardiovaskulært netværk