Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

The Brain conference: RNA Mechanisms and Brain Disease

The Brain Conferences are high-level meetings organised by FENS in collaboration with Lundbeck Foundation. The conferences bring together top-level researchers in key areas of contemporary neuroscience to discuss current concepts and define challenges for future research.   As part of the collaboration between FENS and the Lundbeck Foundation, the foundation offers 20 free seats for the Brain Conferences for young scientists.

11.02.2021 | Karoline Klitgaard

Dato ons 20 okt lør 23 okt
Tid 14:00    22:00
Sted Rungstedgaard, north of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tilmelding er lukket

RNA Mechanisms and Brain Disease:
The morphology and complexity of neurons provides unique challenges for the maintenance and modification of the neuronal transcriptome and proteome in the cell body and at synapses. In this international meeting, we will explore how neurons regulate RNA molecules and protein synthesis and how these mechanisms represent vulnerabilities for various neurological diseases.  

For information see attached invitation or visit the event website here.

Arrangement, Forskning, Alle grupper, Neurocampus, Neurocampus, Konference