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The Brain Prize Meeting 2016

The Brain Prize Meeting on ‘Synapses and Memory’ on October 31-November 2 will take place at Hindsgavl Castle.

13.10.2016 | Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard

Dato man 31 okt ons 02 nov
Tid 09:00    09:00
Sted Hindsgavl Castle, Denmark
Tilmelding er lukket

The Brain Prize 2016 was awarded to Timothy Bliss, Graham Collingridge, and Richard Morris for their ground-breaking research on “The cellular and molecular basis of Long-Term Potentiation and the demonstration that this form of synaptic plasticity underpins spatial memory and learning”.

More information: www.thebrainprize.org


Updated program and registration: http://www.thebrainprize.org/flx/outreach/the_brain_prize_meeting_2016/

Møde, Forskning, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Biomedicin, Neurocampus, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Musicinthebrain, iPSYCH, Neurocampus