Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

The contingent value of organizational integration

09.12.2013 | Morten Bygvraa Rasmussen

Dato tor 12 dec
Tid 10:00 12:00
Sted 2636-U30

ICOA seminar with Virpi Turkulainen, Post-Doctoral fellow at the Department of Industrial Management at Aalto University in Finland.

We elaborate the link between organizational design and effectiveness by examining organizational integration and performance in the context of modern manufacturing. Through careful contextualization and empirical analysis of 266 manufacturing organizations in three industries and nine countries, we uncover a joint effect of integration and complexity on organizational effectiveness. The results extend structural contingency theory, in particular the mechanisms that link organizational integration to organizational effectiveness. We conclude by discussing the continuing relevance of structural contingency theory.

If you wish to participate in the ICOA seminar, please contact Marianne Sejthen (ms@asb.dk).


Tags: ICOA, Events, Knowledge exchange, organizational integration, Virpi Turkulainen