Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

UIC: Informal Meeting at ARoS Art Café

This Wednesday, we meet for an informal meeting at 10.15 am at the ART Café at ARoS.


Dato ons 16 jul
Tid 10:15 12:00
Sted ARoS Art Café, downtown, 8000 Aarhus C.

We meet up at the Café at ARoS Art Museum to enjoy some time together. It is always great to be where internationals meet! Welcome to join in the enjoyable discussion/general conversation, which is a lively exchange of many pieces of useful information.

Conveniently downtown, you can go from the Informal meeting to enjoy art exhibitions, visit the Main Library or go for shopping or lunch! Bring a friend, your spouse – and as usual, the UIC also has room for children, of course!

Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder, Aarhus Universitet, Videnskabelig medarbejder