Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Unravelling the mystery behind endometriosis

Join us on Monday 7 October, when two of the most prominent endometriosis-researchers in the world are coming to Aarhus.

20.09.2019 | Health Kommunikation

Dato man 07 okt
Tid 17:00 19:00
Sted Aarhus Universitetshospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard, indgang G6, auditorium G206-142 (det gamle auditorium B)

1 in 10 women suffer from endometriosis – a common, yet poorly understood disease.

Dr Giudice and Dr Zondervan, newly appointed Honorary SKOU professors at Aarhus University, will be talking about the current status of endometriosis research, and what we have learned so far.

The meeting is open for all; clinicians, patients, friends, researchers, and anyone interested in women’s reproductive health. It will be held in English (in non-technical terms). The goal is to spread knowledge, increase awareness, and spike collaborations.

See the programme for further information.


Lektor Mette Nyegaard     
Mail: nyegaard@biomed.au.dk  
Tlf.: +45 22 31 36 02

Arrangement, Sundhed og sygdom, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Health, Health, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin, Institut for Folkesundhed, Offentligheden/Pressen