Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Vartovs Videnskab - Memory

Why do you remember certain things? Why do some people remember the same things? Who are you if you cannot remember anything? And it it even possible to suffer from a too good memory? Join Professor Anders Nykjær and Professor Albert Gjedde for an interesting talk on memory in collaboration with Vartovs Videnskab.

13.02.2018 | Louise Gjørtz Christensen

Dato fre 23 feb
Tid 18:30 20:30
Sted Vartov, Farvergade 27, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Why do you remember certain things? Why do some people remember the same things and why is it only me who remembers when we patted the pig this summer? Why have the others forgotten? Who are you if you cannot remember anything? And it it even possible to suffer from a too good memory? Is memory visible? And if so how does it look?

In a way, memory can be both compelling and frightening. On the 23rd of February we will take a closer look and see if we can get a better understanding of memory. Naturally, accompanied by a glass of wine.

Program of the day:

The first part of this event includes a talk on memory by Professor and Neuroscientist Anders Nykjær from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University. His talk will include; the emotional memory, the deleted memory and people not capable of forgetting.

Second part of the event focuses on the visualization of memory by Professor and Neuroscientist Albert Gjedde from the Department of Neurobiology and Pharmacology at the University of Copenhagen.

Additional information regarding the event can be found on Facebook.



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