Pioneer in the field of cognitive neuroscience and world-famed discoverer of the electrophysiological Mismatch Negativity at MIB.
15.10.2015 |
Risto Näätänen is currently visiting professor at MIB/CFIN and his stay is made possibly by a grant from The Lundbeck Foundation of DKK 575.000 for a project entitled "Electrophysiological brain responses as outcome predictors in consciousness disorders" (PI: Prof. Y. Shtyrov).
Risto Näätänen will be giving two talks on Mismatch Negativity (see "Events").
Risto Näätänen and his research group discovered the Mismatch Negativity (MMN) in 1978 – an eventrelated brain response to deviations in repetitive auditory stimulation measured with EEG (electroencephalography) and MEG (magneto encephalography). MMN measurements have farreaching clinical applications within a wide range of clinical areas like audiology, neurology, psychiatry, physiology, psychology and developmental deficits.