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Webinar - Challenges in academic drug discovery

Typical challenges in academic drug discovery

02.09.2021 | Health Kommunikation

Dato tir 28 sep
Tid 15:00 16:00
Sted Online

The TTO Business Development is hosting a webinar with two experts in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery - Simon Mcdonald and Richard Hatley from RGDscience, Cambridge.

The webinar will kick-off with a short session on the typical challenges when industry and the academic world is collaborating.

In the second session session you can decide what should be in focus - it could be topics such as: What do pharma look for in a lead candidate, Designing the right molecule, or when to patent?

The webinar will end with Q&A, where you have the opportunity to ask any unanswered questions.

You can sign up here

You have the chance to decide the second topic here

Read more about the experts here: RGDscience

Arrangement, Ph.d.-studerende, Health, Health, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Folkesundhed, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Institut for Odontologi