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Welcome to Anna Philina Fabing who is new Master Student in Jensen Group

As of 2 November, Anna will start as Master Student in Poul Henning Jensen's Lab. About her studies, Anna says: "I will investigate the aggregation of alpha- synuclein in mouse brains with progressive Parkinsons disease. The group of Prof. Jensen developed a proximity ligation assay which enables the detection of the protein-aggregation earlier than commonly used Immunohistochemistry. With this early detection we want to observe pathologies in areas that do not present the typical inclusion bodies yet." Welcome Anna!

02.11.2021 | Magnus Kræpping Andersen

Picture of Anna Philina Fabing.

Navnenyt, Ph.d.-studerende, Dandrite, Dandrite, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Videnskabelig medarbejder