Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Workshop: Collaboration Planner - how to identify and contact important stakeholders

Science for Society 3-hour workshop

03.09.2020 | Health Kommunikation

Dato ons 28 okt
Tid 13:00 16:00
Sted The Kitchen, Nørrebrogade 44, 8000 Aarhus C

How do you establish collaborations and approach companies with your research ideas? Turn your research into impact and learn how to build relationships and plan projects in this hands-on workshop. No preparation is needed but we invite you to think about how you can put your research into play in different contexts before the workshop.

Sign up here. 

Arrangement, Ph.d.-studerende, Health, Health, Kursus, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Videnskabelig medarbejder