Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Workshop on Technology Based Support for Mental Child Health

The next workshop will focus on IT-innovation to support the mental health of children and adolescents.

30.04.2015 | Karin Søgaard Sørensen

Dato ons 20 maj
Tid 11:00 15:00
Sted AIAS Auditorium, Aarhus University

On May 20 (2015) AU Network of Public Mental Child Health and the newly established Center for Health Collaboration at Aarhus University invite you to an open workshop about the use of technology to support mental health of children and adolescents.

Scientists from the network will present a variety of technological solutions and we discuss the potential of technology support for mental child health in Denmark.

Date and Time: May 20, 2015, 9:00-16:00

Venue: AIAS Auditorium, Aarhus University

Fee: Free of charge

Deadline for registration: May 12, 12:00 



9.00 Welcome (Carsten Obel)

Emotional Problems

9.15 Silke Stjerneklar (Dept. of Psychology, AU): Chilled out- The electronic version of Cool Kids

9.30 Kennet Jeppesen (Dept. of Computer Science, AU): Support for Social Anxiety

9.45 Peter Bering (Copeit og AU): Dental Anxiety - Experineces from Copeit

10.00 Discussion

10.30 Coffee

Developmental Disorders

10.45 Tobias Sonne (Dept. of Computer Science, AU): Support for ADHD

11.00 Anders S Erlendson (Remeries): Support for Asperger

11.15 Allan Madsen (Institut for Kommunikation og Handicap):Experiences with TBS for Dyslexia

11.30 Ivan Kjær Lauridsen (Center for Frihedsteknologi, Aarhus Kommune): Experiences with social robots

11.45 Discussion

12.00 Lunch

The Potential of the Danish enviroment

13.00 Claus Færch (Region of Southern Denmark): Activities at Centre of Psychiatri Telemedicine

13.15 Janni Niclasen (Dept. of Psychology, KU): Experiences from Social Fabric

13.30 Kaj Grønbæk, Mads Dahl, Carsten Obel  (AU): Digital Health and Welfare at AU

13.45 Benjamin Suhr (MobileFitness): Experiences with personalized Big Data Based Apps

14.00 Helle Rohde (Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design): The newest Trends in interatctive Design

14.15 Discussion: How do we organize the corporation between academicc enviroment, the municipalities and private care initiatives, and where should TS solutions be rooted? (Kaj Grønbæk og Carsten Obel) 

15.00 Social drinks
