Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

AU Honorary Skou Professor Mini-Symposium

Wednesday the 9th of October at 09.00 Cecilia Lundberg conducts a Mini-Symposium with the focus “Developing next generation inducible GDNF gene therapy”.

26.09.2019 | Health Kommunikation

Dato ons 09 okt
Tid 09:00 10:00
Sted Jeppe Vontilius, Lakeside Auditorium.

In the beginning of October, the first Skou Professors will be celebrated at the Honorary Skou Inauguration Day. To further celebrate this, the Personalized Medicine Research Theme has the pleasure of inviting to a Mini Symposium with recipient Professor Cecilia Lundberg.

Personalised Medicine, Department of Biomedicine, are the host of the Mini-Symposium.

Read further information and see the program of the symposium.


Projektkoordinator Anne Hedemand
Mail: anne@biomed.au.dk
Tlf.: +45 93 52 20 06

Symposium, Sundhed og sygdom, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder, Health, Health, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Institut for Biomedicin, Ph.d.-studerende, Institut for Folkesundhed, Institut for Klinisk Medicin