Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

News Archive

2019.12.02 | Seminar

Joint DANDRITE-Biomedicine/Neuroscience Seminar 2019

Non-invasive delivery of gene therapy to the CNS using MRI-guided focused ultrasound and microbubbles by Dr Rikke Hahn Kofoed

Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo

2019.12.02 | Grants and awards

Associate Professor Marina Romero-Ramos is awarded two grants

Associate Professor and DANDRITE affiliated researcher Marina Romero-Ramos have received grants from the Danish Parkinson Foundation (Parkinsonforeningen) and from the Aarhus University Research Foundation.

Eskild Holm Nielsen to become Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus University.

2019.12.03 | Research

Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus University

Eskild Holm Nielsen has been selected as dean of the new Faculty of Technical Sciences. Nielsen comes to AU from a position as head of innovation at Aalborg University Hospital.

2019.12.02 | Event

CALL FOR PAPERS: European First Year Experience

On June 15th-17th 2020 Aarhus University will be hosting the European First Year Experience Conference (EFYE). We invite all interested to submit their proposal to the conference.

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