Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


28.08.2014 |

Er agroforestry relevant i økologisk svine- og fjerkræproduktion?

Giv din mening til kende om perspektiverne i agroforestry på workshop 18. september kl. 10.30-13.00 på AU Foulum.Alle er velkomne. Læs mere

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Sweet-talking about sugar: How does sugar enter our body?

An improved understanding of sugar uptake has tremendous potential for improving general public health. At this talk Bjørn Panyella Pedersen will address what we know and need to know about a fascinating process.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Why Europe Avoided Hegemony: A Historical Perspective

Jørgen Møller, Professor at the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, sets out to explain why Europe avoided hegemony.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Globalizing Europe - European history in global context

Jürgen Elvert, Jean Monnet Professor for European History, on Europe's embrace of the world and its consequences in Modern history.

28.08.2014 |

Seminar: Sådan bliver pileproduktion en god forretning

På seminariet bliver der sat fokus på energipil som forretningsmulighed. Hvor er vi henne i dag, og kan det rent faktisk være en god forretning for landmænd? Læs mere

Seniorforsker Trine Munk-Olsen.

28.08.2014 | Forskning, Sundhed og sygdom, Teknisk/administrativ medarbejder

Senaborter og dødsfødsler medfører psykisk sårbarhed hos moderen

At miste et ufødt barn er så hård en belastning, at mange af disse kvinder må indlægges til psykiatrisk behandling, viser et nyt studie fra Aarhus Universitet.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Diatoms – photosynthetic protists can survive without light and oxygen

Anja Kamp, AIAS-COFUND junior fellow, explains how diatoms survive buried deep in the dark, oxygen-depleted seafloor and why it might have so far overseen consequences to the marine nitrogen-cycle.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Economics of Migration - Gains from Domestic and International Migration

Professor of Economics John Kennan on huge wage differences across countries and constrained international migration. The economic costs of restrictions on international migration are enormous.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow's Seminar: Arctic ecological change - species and community responses to climate change

Toke Thomas Høye, Jens Chr. Skou Junior Fellow, will outline how studies of simpler ecosystems can advance general ecological theory and provide examples from ongoing work in Greenland.

28.08.2014 | Seminar, Offentligheden/Pressen, Ekstern målgruppe

AIAS Fellow Seminar: Documenting life - bio-imaging in the crossfire between the natural scientific and aesthetic gaze

Watch what happens when these two researcher look at the same images and demonstrate their different approaches to visual material as scientific and cultural testimony in this cross-disciplinary lecture.

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