29.08.2017 | Administrativt, Administration (Faglighed), Alle grupper
En 27-årig kvindelig Arts-studerende er afgået ved døden efter en trafikulykke ved Nobelparken tirsdag morgen. Aarhus Universitet sender sin dybeste medfølelse til den studerendes pårørende og venner.
29.08.2017 | Forskning, Offentligheden/Pressen, Institut for Klinisk Medicin
Et nyt enkelt screeningsprogram for sygdomme i kredsløbet redder ét liv for hver 169 mænd, der bliver inviteret til screening. Programmet giver flere ekstra leveår og er billigere end programmer for kræftscreening, viser ny forskning fra Aarhus Universitet, Regionshospitalet Viborg og Odense Universitetshospital.
28.08.2017 | Arrangement, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Graduate School of Health
The participating companies present a case and the participants come up with a solution. The most suitable proposals are presented – and the best idea receives a prize. Deadline for registration is Septembre 3rd. (note new registration deadline)
28.08.2017 | Møde, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder
This year’s theme is “Gut, Metabolism and Brain in Health and Disease”. This year we invite master students, PhD students and Postdocs to submit an abstract and be selected for oral or poster presentation.
28.08.2017 | Arrangement, Sundhed og sygdom, Ph.d.-studerende
Gut, Metabolism and Brain in Health and disease
28.08.2017 | Seminar, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder
What kind of value can you contribute with based on your research? Who are the stakeholders for your future activities? Join the workshop and learn about Research Canvas - a science coommunication tool that captures the key elements and unique differentiators of your research.
28.08.2017 | Seminar, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder
For many new researchers, the language of business can somethimes seem remote. Every company will present and discuss their Business Model or Value Proposition – but what do these terms mean? Why do companies focus on risk and value creation?
28.08.2017 | Seminar, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder
Who are the most important stakeholders, potential project partners or end-users of your research and inventions? Learn to ask the right questions when you approach your stakeholders.
28.08.2017 | Seminar, Videnskabelig medarbejder, Alle AU-enheder
Lean Launch Pad is a lean way to develop business models. The objective is to develop start-up/spin out teams that have a strong understanding of how their product or service meets the needs of their Customer base.
28.08.2017 | Ph.d.-forsvar, Forskning, Offentligheden/Pressen
The pathway to an ADHD diagnosis - Exploring the influence of factors at the structural, community, family and child level