Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Information meeting for young researchers

An introduction to the Junior Researcher Development Programme

2019.10.17 | Health Kommunikation

Date Thu 31 Oct
Time 08:30 10:00
Location Department of Public Health, building 1261, room 118, Bartholins Allé 2

Thursday October 31, 2019 at 8.30 - 10.00, the Faculty of Health hosts an information meeting about AU’s Junior Researcher Development Programme (JRDP). We serve coffee, tea and breakfast rolls.

The information meeting is for young researchers such as postdocs and other fixed-term employees as well as their research leaders.

Assistant professor Nikolaj Zinner (AIAS) will talk about issues such as matching of expectations, job satisfaction, and career development in practice. The JRDP project group will present the variety of tools and information that AU provides via JRDP, and the Junior Researcher Association will tell about their work and how you can participate.

Read more about the information meeting here: Get ahead in your career

There are around 30 available places and they will be assigned on a first-come-first served basis. Sign up by mail to tanja.hansen@au.dk before October 28, 2019.

Visit the JRDP’s website and learn more about career paths, career planning and career development: https://talent.au.dk/junior-researcher-development-programme/


Advisor Tanja Hansen
Dean’s Office at Health
Mail:  tanja.hansen@au.dk

Meeting, Health and disease, PhD students, Health, Health, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health