Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


06.12.2016 | Politik og strategi, Alle grupper, Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Nyhedsbrev juli 2016

Nyheder og informationer fra instituttet

06.12.2016 | Forskning, Alle grupper, Alle AU-enheder

Aarhus BSS har fået sin egen retssal

Jurastuderende og ansatte på Aarhus BSS kan nu simulere og træne retssager i virkelige rammer. Et stort plus for hele instituttet, siger institutleder Tine Sommer.

06.12.2016 | Samarbejde, Sundhed og sygdom, Offentligheden/Pressen

Debat: Sundhedsdata er vejen til bedre behandling.

Sundhedsdata har mere betydning for udvikling af personlig medicin end nogensinde. Vi opfordrer politikerne til at værne om forskeres adgang til de danske sundhedsdata.

05.12.2016 | Kursus, Ph.d.-studerende, Studier på Arts

Lean Launch Pad - From idea to business

Bringing any idea to market needs a business model. If you are planning to start a company, find out if your idea has the potential to be commercialized and what hypothesis needs to be tested to do so. 5 workshops.

05.12.2016 | Ph.d.-studerende, Studier på Arts, AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Who you gonna call? Interview training

Are you considering to collaborate with companies, do user-research or find new partners. But how do you start reaching out and who do you call first to support your collaboration plan, business model or a start-up idea?

05.12.2016 | Ph.d.-studerende, Studier på Arts, AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Business model training

We will introduce you to the Business Model Canvas concept and explain why you should do hypothesis testing. If after this workshop you want to test your business idea then join Lean Launchpad – From idea to business.

05.12.2016 | Ph.d.-studerende, Studier på Arts, AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Collaboration Planning Workshop

During the event you will be introduced to the "Collaboration Planner" guide, which enables PhDs and Postdocs to communicate successfully with industry and to highlight the value of collaborative work.

05.12.2016 | Ph.d.-studerende, Studier, AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Value in Research Workshop

How can you communicate your research value to potential partners, users, industry and funds? Join and learn about the business Model Canvas.

05.12.2016 | Ph.d.-studerende, Studier, AU Forskning og Eksterne Relationer

Help Desk

Invention application, patents, start-up creation or collaboration with industry? Come to our Help Desk and ask your questions to legal adviser, development consultant and business developer from AU Technology transfer office.

05.12.2016 | Møde, Ph.d.-studerende, Studier

Inspirational morning meeting

Breakfast session on value creation and Business Model Canvas.

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