Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2013.10.22 | Administrative, Students, All AU units

IT shut down postponed

The scheduled shut down of the IT systems at Aarhus University during the weekend of 26 and 27 October is postponed to January 2014.

According to a new study, dropping pounds may not necessarily be the recipe for a longer, healthier life for the overweight.

2013.10.24 | Health and disease, All groups, Department of Public Health

Healthy overweight people who lose weight die prematurely

A large group of overweight people are not ill because they weigh too much and for them, a diet can mean a shorter life. For these people stable weight and a healthy lifestyle should therefore be in focus rather than weight loss, explains an AU professor in the new report from Vidensråd for Forebyggelse (the knowledge council for prevention).

2015.04.29 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group


Gautier Garin came to Aarhus University in 2009 to do the last semester of his master degree in international business and management. Little did he know he'd still be in Denmark four years later.

A healthy life after a blood clot. That is the focus for the new professor at Aarhus University, Bo Christensen.

2013.10.24 | People news, All groups, Department of Public Health

New professor will strengthen research into heart diseases

Bo Christensen has taken up the position of professor of general practice at Aarhus University. His special focus is the role that general practitioners play in handling cardiovascular diseases.

2013.10.24 | Alumni, Health, Events

Open House at Aarhus University, Health

Aarhus University opens the doors to one of its main academic areas, Health, to illustrate how knowledge and the private sector can collaborate on developing products and treatment options that benefit both citizens and patients.

Grant recipient Yonglun Luo from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University.

2013.10.24 | People news, Alumni, Department of Biomedicine

Aarhus researcher receives substantial grant

Yonglun Luo from Aarhus University is a genetics researcher. He has just received a grant of almost DKK 4 million from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The aim of his research is to develop a system that ultimately will be able to treat serious diseases such as diabetes, dementia and cancer.

2013.10.11 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group

Are Danes spoiled?

Eight years ago, Alina Brockhoff migrated to Denmark from Ukraine to study at AU. She wonders why Danes don't seize their opportunities.

The two Industrial PhD students Mette Ladefoged (on the left) and Lise Høj Thomsen (on the right) benefit from the parthership bewteen Aarhus Universitet and Novo Nordisk A/S and combine theory and practice in their everyday working lives.

2013.10.15 | All groups, Health and disease, Health

We have the best of both worlds

Two Industrial PhDs from Aarhus University and Novo Nordisk A/S agree that their PhD programme during which they are both enrolled at the university and employed at the company is the optimal career choice when the goal is a career as a researcher. Both benefit from the partnership that Aarhus University and Novo Nordisk A/S have just entered into.

The new Innovation Foundation will ensure a coherent approach. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Communication
Dean for Knowledge Exchange Allan Flyvbjerg Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Communication

2013.10.09 | Research, Alumni, All AU units

New fund to unify strategic research and innovation

Politicians have agreed on a model that will merge three bodies and unify strategic research.

94-year-old Professor Jens Christian Skou congratulated the research team on the new result, when Professor Toyoshima from the University of Tokyo gave a lecture at Skou’s old department on 23 August 2013. From the left: Flemming Cornelius, Jens Christian Skou, Chikashi Toyoshima, Janne Petersen and Bente Vilsen.

2013.10.04 | Health and disease, All groups, Department of Biomedicine

International research collaboration reveals the mechanism of the human body’s most important battery

Researchers from Aarhus University have collaborated with a Japanese group of researchers to establish the structure of a crucial enzyme – the so-called sodium-potassium pump – which forms part of every cell in the human body. The result, which was recently published in Nature, may pave the way for a better understanding of neurological diseases.

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