2014.05.25 | Health, Department of Biomedicine, All groups
Aarhus University has developed a technology that uses the HIV virus as a tool in the fight against hereditary diseases - and in the long term, against HIV infection as well. The technology repairs the genome in a new and safer manner.
2014.06.10 | Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff
The Blackboard learning system, which will replace AULA at Health, is now being rolled out to selected employees. At Health, around half the students and their teachers will begin using the system at the start of this year’s autumn semester. Courses will prepare the employees and a number of superusers are already ready to help.
2014.05.23 | Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine, Academic staff
Diana Schendel was appointed Professor MSO at the Department of Public Health & the National Centre for Register-based Research at BSS, AU.
2014.05.22 | Academic staff, PhD defense, Health
Genetic Aspects of Nephrotic Syndrome.
2014.05.22 | Academic staff, Health, Department of Public Health
Someone you has autism... Insights from work in the autism research spectrum.
2014.05.22 | PhD students, PhD defense, Health
The effects of metronidazole and vancomycin against Clostridium difficile in vitro and in vivo.
2014.06.02 | Health, External target group, All groups
Henrik Toft Sørensen has just been elected chairman of a new Coordinating Body for Register-based Research. The purpose of the new body is to strengthen Danish register-based research.
2015.04.29 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group
AU Alumni just reached member number 20,000, Lisette Gonge (MSc, ‘95). She has her own company Gonge Intelligence, and wanted to join AU Alumni to learn more about networking and the MBA-courses AU has to offer.
2014.05.21 | Research, Health, Department of Biomedicine
New basic research reveals how the body's cells transport lipid. Defects in the mechanism can lead to serious neurological diseases, liver diseases and involuntary childlessness, and the new knowledge is an important step on the way to understanding and treating these diseases.
2014.05.21 | External target group, Public/Media, Research
Flowing waters are difficult to study under natural conditions. But now researchers can measure how insecticides under controlled conditions affect invertebrates and decomposition of organic matter in stream