Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2014.11.13 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

Your guide to writing good English texts at AU

A new AU English Style Guide has just been launched. The style guide is the product of AU’s language services, a network of translators and language consultants in the former administrative division AU Communication. The guide is intended to help AU employees express themselves clearly, correctly and consistently in English in official and…

Postdoc Grethe Elholm (right) introducing the climate chambers at the Department of Public Health for the TV crew from Japan's national broadcasting company NHK: From the left, principal  program  director Masatoshi Kaneko and researcher Mayu Kamide together with their photographer and sound engineer (Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo).

2014.11.13 | Events, Health and disease, All groups

Japanese TV films AU research for a programme on allergy

Researchers from AU take part in a Japanese TV programme on the newest allergy research worldwide. The TV crew from Japan visited the Department of Public Health and the Department of Clinical Medicine – and the programme will be shown to millions of viewers in the spring.

2014.11.12 | Events, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Invited speaker at ISPOR congress

Professor Lars Pedersen from Department of Clinical Epidemiology is an invited speaker at the ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress which is held in Amsterdam this week. Lars will give a talk on “The Nordic Health Care Registries – Real Improvement to Outcomes Research?” ISPOR: International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research

2014.10.30 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

The quality commission to present second report at AU

Registration is now open for the launch conference for the quality commission's second report on 26 November at Aarhus University.

2014.10.30 | Events, All groups, External target group

The quality commission to present second report at AU

Registration is now open for the launch conference for the quality commission's second report on 26 November at Aarhus University.

2014.11.11 | Administrative, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine

Construction of the biomedicine building will now be noticeable

The construction of the Department of Biomedicine's new research building has now reached the point where the foundation needs to be established. This work will cause vibrations and noise in the area until the end of February 2015.

2014.12.11 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group


PhD student Anna Maria Kubovcikova's (MSc, '12) research is focused around self-initiated expatriates, so we asked her about what happens when Danes go to work abroad.

Esben Thyssen Vestergaard will use his grant to conduct more research into insulin resistance and the hormone ghrelin, which is known as the body's ‘hunger hormone’.

2014.11.19 | People news, Health and disease, Academic staff

Researcher from Aarhus receives grant for diabetes research

Esben Thyssen Vestergaard from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has received DKK 100,000 from the Riisfort Foundation for his research project. The project will, among other things, take a closer look at whether the hormone ghrelin causes type 2 diabetes.

How health research can benefit patients is the theme when Aarhus University and the Central Denmark Region meet with Minister of Health Nick Hækkerup at the New University Hospital in Skejby. Photo: Jørgen Weber

2014.11.13 | Events, Health and disease, Public/Media

Ministerial visit to Aarhus will focus on how research can benefit patients

Next week the Danish Minister for Health Nick Hækkerup will visit Aarhus University and the Central Denmark Region to discuss the region’s health partnership and the much debated preventive health screenings in primary care, among other topics.

2014.11.11 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

New organisation of institutional accreditation at AU

Since the summer holiday the task of institutional accreditation at AU has been reorganised. It’s now being handled by a programme group anchored in the administrative division known as “Education”. The aim is to ensure that the work involved in connection with the quality system of our degree programmes should take place in close dialogue with…

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