Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2015.08.11 | Course, Academic staff, All AU units

Workshop: Writing successful grant applications

If you are new in grant writing, you will find advice on how to attack the grant writing process and how to write in a way that meets the expectations of the reviewer.

2015.08.11 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

Healthy role models influence teenagers’ eating habits

It’s a common view that adolescents don’t want to listen to their parents, but reality is different – at least when it comes to healthy living. New research from Aarhus BSS (School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University) shows that parents are significant role models for their teenaged children in terms of prompting them to eat fruit…

2015.08.10 | Collaboration, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi


Department of Clinical Epidemiology will once again be strongly represented at the annual International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE). This year, the conference is held in Boston, USA from August 22 to 26. The DCE people will present seven posters and give nine oral presentations.

2015.08.10 | Public/Media, External target group, Department of Political Science

Public Management Research Conference 2016

Department of Political Science at Aarhus University will host the 2016 Public Management Research Conference for the Public Mangament Research Association (PMRA).

2015.08.09 | Events, All groups, Runsafe

Sten Rasmussen Defends his PhD on August 21th

Sten Rasmussen from the RUNSAFE group defends his PhD thesis entitled "Multimodal pain management after arthoscopic surgery" at 13:00 on August 21th 2015 in Medicinerhuset, Aalborg University Hospital.

2015.08.07 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PHD defense: Tine Gregersen

Gastrointestinal Motility in Patients With Carcinoid diarrhea

2015.08.07 | PhD defense, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

PHD defense: Martin Jensen Dietz

Effective connectivity in the normal and dysfunctional brain

2015.08.06 | Alumni, External target group, Aarhus University

Inaugural lecture: Claus Gravholt

Friday 21th August 2015 at 2.00 p.m. Claus Gravholt will give an inaugural lecture entitled: Endocrinology and genetics

2015.08.06 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group

Paving the road from internship to job

Today, Marie Enemark Olsen (MA/MSc ´10) is Senior Manager, Human and Labour Rights at LEGO Group, and the road to this job started already during her internship.

2015.08.11 | Conference, All AU units, Aarhus University

ECREA CONFERENCE: Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction (ICSI)

Addressing the Role of Media in Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction in Different Contexts and Professions.

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