Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2016.04.11 | Alumni, External target group, Aarhus University

Why Gaia is not the Globe

Why Gaia is not the Globe Bruno Latour is giving a public lecture in the "The Futures Lecture Series" with the title "Why Gaia is not the Globe – and why our future depends on not confusing the two"

2016.04.27 | Collaboration, Health and disease, All groups

Debate: Stop the witch-hunt of health science PhD graduates

It is paradoxical that recognition of the need for more research has been accompanied by a growing scepticism.

Now the university’s academic units will be able to highlight their own name in AU’s logo.
And the Aarhus University seal will play a more prominent role in the university’s design programme.

2016.04.11 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

New guidelines for the logo structure and university seal

An adjustment of the design programme gives academic departments and centres more scope to highlight their individual identity. The university seal has also been given a more prominent place in the design programme.

2016.04.13 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

External research funding removed from calculation of contribution to joint costs

Revenue is one of the parameters on which the calculation of the academic units’ contribution to financing the administration is based. Starting in January 2017, external research funding will be subtracted from revenue in order to strengthen incentives to attract external grants.

2016.05.02 | Collaboration, Health and disease, All groups

Debate: We feel insecure when doctors make mistakes

Our hearts miss a beat when we hear of doctors making mistakes, being careless or indulging in fraud. We have not yet figured out why a few doctors – despite pledging the Hippocratic oath – as well as codes of conduct and supervision, make fatal mistakes and get away with them time after time. A whistleblower function for employees in the…

Photo: Lars Kruse

2016.04.07 | Education, Research, All groups

Boards of studies help improve degree programmes

Board of studies representatives and directors of studies at Aarhus University met for a board of studies conference to share their experiences with promoting degree programme quality. Applications for exemptions and the coming institutional accreditation were some of the topics that attracted most attention at this event.

A Falcon 9 rocket ready for launch at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. The rocket is identical to the one that will transport Danish cells to ISS. From the launch in June 2015. Photo: NASA

2016.04.15 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

Aarhus University sending cells into space

Human cells from Denmark will be among the cargo when the next American SpaceX Dragon spacecraft lifts off for the ISS Space Station on 8 April. The research experiment will investigate how cells react to weightlessness. This knowledge can benefit astronauts among others.

2016.04.06 | Events, Research, Academic staff

DDA seminar: Diabetes and the Brain

This seminar offers an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the newest knowledge on the pathophysiological abnormalities in the brain of patients with diabetes, including the cerebral actions of insulin. Novel treatment strategies, e.g. GLP-1 receptor agonists to prevent cognitive dysfunction will also be discussed.

2016.04.06 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Rikke Fleron Leihof

Urinary tract infections; bacteriological, immunological and clinical factors in the elderly

2016.04.06 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine

Hepatitis/Infectious disease Seminar

Infectious diseases, cancer and treatment of hepatitis – from a drug discovery perspective

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