Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2016.02.01 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Anne Hammer Lauridsen

Livmoderhalskræft og ældre kvinder -hvorfor er forekomsten så høj, når forekomsten af HPV er lav?

2016.02.01 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Thomas Deleuran

Cirrhosis of the liver and diseases of the large joints

155 new medical doctors pledged the traditional Hippocratic oath at the graduation ceremony for Medicine in the Main Hall on Friday. Photo: Maria Randima Brauer Sørensen/AU.

2016.02.10 | Education, Academic staff, Health

Newly qualified medical doctor: We’re ready

These were the words of Nina Bjerre Andersen, who gave the celebratory speech on behalf of the new graduates as she and 154 fellow students brought their time as medical students at Aarhus University to an end on Friday 29 January 2016.

2016.02.01 | Conference, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

Clinical Epidemiology Summer School in Denmark

Department of Clinical Epidemiology in Aarhus, Denmark is hosting its third annual summer school. The week-long course titled Assessing risks and benefits of treatments: methodological issues is a collection of master classes taught by international experts in pharmacoepidemiology and comparative effectiveness research.

2016.02.01 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

New Wi-Fi for AU guests

As of 1 February, AU guests will be able to access a new wireless network called AU-Guest.

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