2016.05.10 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff
On 1 May, Associate Professor Francesco Lescai will begin work on a new innovation project that has received almost DKK 11.3 million from the European Commission.
2016.05.18 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
The salary agreement catalogue for employees at Health has been revised with previously agreed supplements in several areas being added to the new catalogue, which has also been expanded with a section on special positions at SKT.
2016.05.10 | Administrative, Academic staff, Health
During the coming month, construction of the Aarhus Light Rail will include laying the rail tracks in the intersection between Nørrebrogade and Vennelyst Boulevard/Nørre Boulevard. This work may give noise nuisance at the Department of Biomedicine, the Department of Dentistry and at the School for Dental Assistants, Hygienists and Clinical…
2016.05.25 | Events, Health and disease, Academic staff
Spend twenty minutes listening to what your colleagues are working on – and digest research results with the help of a slice of pizza and a beer. That is the recipe for a new series of meetings at the Department of Biomedicine. The lecture series has already resulted in increased knowledge across both departmental and faculty boundaries.
2016.05.10 | Administrative, Education, All groups
Compulsory registration for exams will be abolished, and maximum time to degree will be introduced. The senior management team has adopted joint rules which specify how the new act on study progress is to be administered in practice at AU. The faculties will now start to clarify how to apply the rules in practice on the individual degree…
2016.05.12 | Collaboration, Administration (Academic), PhD students
A new collaboration focusing on knowledge exchange and research projects will give researchers from Health access to advanced molecular data analysis tools, while also helping Qiagen to further develop their products. A real win-win situation according to Vice-dean for Talent Development, Lise Wogensen Bach.
2016.05.10 | Education, All groups, Administration (Academic)
Compulsory registration for exams will be abolished, and maximum time to degree will be introduced. The senior management team has adopted joint rules which specify how the new act on study progress is to be administered in practice at AU. The faculties will now start to clarify how to apply the rules in practice on the individual degree…
2016.05.10 | Policy and strategy, All groups, External target group
In developing a new model, Aarhus University will ensure that the most motivated students have the best opportunities for honing their expertise and developing their talents.
2016.05.18 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units
PURE business cards have been given a makeover. The electronic business cards now use icons instead of text to symbolise email, location and phone number. Please note that the new design only supports pictures in .jpeg format.
2016.05.09 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
Researchers at Aarhus University have described one of the cell’s key enzymes, the calcium pump, in a so-called transition state. The findings provide a very detailed picture of how one of the body's most energy-consuming processes. Calcium pumps are intimately involved in the activity of muscle, and they are considered important targets for…