Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Mentor and mentee in the mentor programme Empower Talent!

2017.04.27 | Collaboration, Administration (Academic), Degree programmes

The deadline for the Empower Talent! mentor scheme has been extended

You can still sign up for the Empower Talent! mentor scheme – the deadline has been extended to 2 May 2017. The programme matches members of academic staff at assistant professor level with more senior colleagues at associate professor or professor level. Sign up to become a mentor or mentee by 20 April 2017.

[Translate to English:] Der må gerne optræde flere internationale VIP-navne i ansøgningsbunkerne, siger Health.

2017.04.20 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

Wanted: More international applicants to academic positions

If young research talents and the level of competitiveness are to be maintained and strengthened, then more profiles – also from abroad – need to apply for academic positions at Health. The faculty management team will therefore discuss how to specifically attract more international members of academic staff.

The action plan for more women in research must ensure that women have the same opportunities to pursue a research career as men.

2017.04.20 | Talent development, Health and disease, Academic staff

Women in research: Still room for improvement

The first status check of the work on breaking down any barriers preventing women from having a career in research at the highest level at Health has now been carried out. There are still challenges, but there are also positive trends in the very preliminary findings.

Photo: Colourbox.com

2017.04.10 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

IT maintenance work on the weekend of 6 and 7 May 2017

AU IT will carry out IT maintenance work from Saturday 6 May at 08:00 to Sunday 7 May at 08:00. The work is necessary in order to ensure a high level of operational stability and IT security for AU staff and students.

Professor Bjarne Møller-Madsen receives a million-kroner grant.

2017.04.20 | Grants and awards, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health

Grant will help generate knowledge about living with rare handicaps

A Nordic research group with professor and consultant doctor Bjarne Møller-Madsen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is receiving a million-kroner grant towards research into the experience of living with a rare handicap.

Medical student Charlotte Nygaard has over the last year studied the clinical activity in health care in the two years prior a diagnosis of a primary brain tumor (Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo).

2017.04.10 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

New research year report investigates the diagnosis of a brain tumor

A health science research year report from Aarhus University shows a markedly increased diagnostic activity for up to two years before the diagnosis of a brain tumor. It suggests that the diagnosis can be made earlier.

2017.04.07 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff

PhD defence: Yan Zhou

Human disease modeling and tissue engineering with iPSCs and CRISPR/Cas9

Photo: Anders Trærup, AU Foto

2017.04.06 | Policy and strategy, All groups, External target group

The 2016 annual report: Healthy finances and significant academic achievements

Thanks to higher educational activity,increased interest income and restraint in administrative costs, the university’s 2016 annual report shows a budget surplus of DKK 200 million, an extraordinarily positive financial result for the year. These funds will be channelled into research and education initiatives to strengthen the university’s core…

the library will continue to be physically present with locations at each faculty. Photo: Maria Randima, AU Foto

2017.04.06 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

AU’s libraries will become part of the Royal Library

AU's libraries will become part of the new national library, The Royal Library. Researchers and students will continue to have access to the same local service at the faculties.

2017.04.07 | Grants and awards, Public/Media, External target group

More spin-outs from AU research

Knowledge from the universities must to a greater extent be used to develop products and solutions in Danish companies. The Department of Biomedicine and iNANO are at the forefront of a new pilot project to boost commercialisation of research.

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