2017.08.30 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
As in previous years, rector makes his round of visits to the departments. This year, rector will visit the Department of Biomedicine on Monday, 9 October. The meeting is held in the Bartholin Auditorium from 9.30-11.00.
2017.08.29 | Conference, PhD students, All AU units
Are you encouraged by the potential impact of your research? Participate an a conference for PhDs and Postdocs focusing on how to make impact on society and industry.
2017.09.19 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
Researchers from Aarhus University have discovered a metabolite that reveals how the body's fat-metabolism provides protection against the harmful effects of sugar. This may explain the chemical link between a low carbohydrate diet and healthy aging.
2017.09.05 | Research, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine
A new simple screening programme for diseases in the cardiovascular system saves a life for every 169 men who are invited to screening. New research from Aarhus University, Viborg Regional Hospital and Odense University Hospital shows that the programme leads to extra lifespan and is cheaper than programmes for cancer screening.
2017.08.28 | Event, Academic staff, Graduate School of Health
The participating companies present a case and the participants come up with a solution. The most suitable proposals are presented – and the best idea receives a prize. Deadline for registration is 31 August.
2017.08.28 | Meeting, Academic staff, All AU units
This year’s theme is “Gut, Metabolism and Brain in Health and Disease”. This year we invite master students, PhD students and Postdocs to submit an abstract and be selected for oral or poster presentation.
2017.08.28 | Event, Health and disease, PhD students
Gut, Metabolism and Brain in Health and disease
2017.08.28 | Research, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
Morten Schmidt presented new results at the Young Investigator Award session at the European Society of Cardiology congress
2017.08.28 | Seminar, Academic staff, All AU units
What kind of value can you contribute with based on your research? Who are the stakeholders for your future activities? Join the workshop and learn about Research Canvas - a science coommunication tool that captures the key elements and unique differentiators of your research.
2017.08.28 | Seminar, Academic staff, All AU units
For many new researchers, the language of business can somethimes seem remote. Every company will present and discuss their Business Model or Value Proposition – but what do these terms mean? Why do companies focus on risk and value creation?