2018.02.09 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media
Some people are more sensitive to background noise than others. This is not because they are touchy, but because of their brain. This is shown by new research from Center for Music in the Brain, Aarhus University, and Helsinki University
2018.02.08 | Research, Research, All groups
New findings from the RUNCLEVER trial has been published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine by Ramskov et al.
2018.02.08 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Biomedicine
EGFR-TKI Resistance in NSCLC - a Piece of the Unscrambled Message
2018.02.12 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
The City of Aarhus and AU want to make it safer to bike in the University Park. From now on, the streets in the University Park will be bike-friendly. While motor vehicles are still permitted on campus, drivers will have to slow down to accommodate cyclists.
2018.02.07 | Grants and awards, Research, All groups
Anders receives DKK 15 mio for the 5-year project "Sortilin - balancing synaptic strength and mood states".
2018.02.12 | Events, Research, All groups
Sunday 11 February was the UN’s international day to bring attention to the work to ensure equal opportunities for men and women in research. To mark the day, Aarhus University held an event on Saturday which featured interesting researchers.
2018.02.07 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
By treating different mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease with a precursor of NAD+, which is a central coenzyme in the metabolism of the cell, an international research team might have found a drug that can be used as treatment against Alzheimer’s disease. Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease mice improved their neuronal function, memory and learning…
2018.02.07 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
Researchers from Aarhus University have measured a new world record: Small ice algae on the underside of the Arctic sea ice live and grow at a light level corresponding to only 0.02% of the light at the surface of the ice. Algae are the primary component of the Arctic food web and produce food far earlier in the year than previously thought.
2018.02.07 | Events, Academic staff, All AU units
Aarhus University will be opening its doors to the general public on Thursday 26 April from 14:00-18:00 in and around Stakladen, and the theme of the event is FASCINATING RESEARCH. This is an opportunity for you and your fellow researchers to present your work to a popular audience.
2018.02.08 | Events, Health and disease, Health
In keeping with tradition, the last Friday of January saw more than 600 PhD students from Health gathered for exciting presentations, keynote lectures and an evening party with exclusive awards.