2018.11.27 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Factors Relating to Early Death in Danish Stage I Lung Cancer Patients
2018.11.27 | Event, Health and disease, PhD students
Urology and beyond – a clinical epidemiologist’s perspective
2018.11.29 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff
Peter Nejsum from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital has just received DKK three million from Horizon 2020. The grant will be used to develop a device that can sort nanoparticles, which can have importance for treatment and diagnosis.
2018.11.29 | Policy and strategy, Health, Administration (Academic)
They have been discussed a lot over the last few years. The fifty recognised researchers from foreign top universities who will be affiliated with Health and hold the title of Honorary Skou Professor. Now we can reveal the initial 21 names.
2018.11.29 | People news, Research, Academic staff
Marcus T. Pearce is newly appointed as professor of cognitive neuroscience at Aarhus University. Here he will conduct research into the psychological mechanisms that come into play when we listen to and create music.
2018.11.26 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
Grant to study the association between maternal disease and childhood leukemia
2018.11.23 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Candidaemia in children and adults – morbidity, management and mortality
2018.11.23 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Respiratory distress syndrome in very preterm infants: Risk factors and treatment
2018.11.23 | Meeting, Research, PhD students
Abhishek Banerjee, D.Phil., Marie Curie Fellow, NARSAD Young Investigator, Brain Research Institute, University of Zürich, Switzerland will give a talk entitled: "Neural dynamics underlying adaptive decision-making in health and brain disorders"
2018.11.23 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff
The Rector visits Biomedicine on Thursday, 21 March at 11:30. All biomedical employees are invited to participate and hear the Rector's presentation. Afterwards it is possible to ask questions to the rector.