2019.06.11 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Intra-oral scanning in fixed prosthodontics Laboratory and clinical comparative studies.
2019.06.11 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Public/Media
No more trial and error: If things go as Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard and his new Postdoc Fredrik Hieronymus hope, patients with schizophrenia will be treated using personalised medicine in the not so distant future. The research project is supported by the Lundbeck Foundation to the tune of DKK 1.6 million.
2019.06.06 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media
Why do patients with amputated limbs suffer from phantom pain? Which types of nerve pain do patients with spinal cord injuries or sclerosis experience? And how can pain management be improved to increase quality of life for patients? These are some of the questions, which Troels Staehelin Jensen and his team of researchers are looking to answer.
2019.06.06 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Inherited Heart Diseases – genetics in prevention of sudden death?
2019.06.06 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
The Brain Microvasculature during Cranial Hypertension: Effect of AQP4 on Capillary Flow Heterogeneity.
2019.06.06 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Cardiovascular health, muscle performance and quality of life in Graves’ disease. Effects of vitamin D supplementation.
2019.06.06 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Inflammation activated kinase PKR directly targets diseasemodifying residues within α-synuclein and tau for phosphorylation.
2019.06.03 | Research, Research, Department of Biomedicine
A new paper by Pietilä et al. in Nature Communications, coauthored by Olav Andersen in collaboration with the group of Johanna Ivaska from Turku Bioscience Centre, identified a novel oncogenic function for SORLA that is best known for its association with Alzheimer’s disease.