Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2019.09.05 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Mia Glerup

Long-term outcomes of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): 18 years of follow-up in the population-based Nordic JIA cohort.

AROSE group at FFN, Oxford
FFN Top 6 Best Poster Presentation

2019.09.05 | Research, Research year student, Dept Clin Epi

DCE at the 8th Fragility Fracture Network Global Congress in Oxford

The AROSE group from Department of Clinical Epidemiology took home prize at Oxford congress.

2019.09.05 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Jesper Guldsmed Madsen

Electrophysiological quantification of diabetic neuro- and retinopathy and oxygen treatment.

The most important result is that the depletion of this specific type of macrophage causes the tumour to shrink, which is triggered by a subsequent mobilisation of new macrophages and, ultimately, also an activation of the so-called T cells which attack the tumour, Anders Etzerodt explains. Photo: Jann Thiele Zeiss

2019.09.05 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

Researchers discover a new form of immunotherapy

Successful experiments on mice suggest that cancer patients in the future may benefit from a new type of cancer immunotherapy. Behind the recently published study is a number of international researchers with Anders Etzerodt from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University as the lead author.

Priyanka Rao-Ruiz, VU University Amsterdam
Ben Dichter, Stanford University

2019.09.04 | Seminar, Research, All groups

PROMEMO / DANDRITE Double Topical Seminar

On Tuesday 10 September, Priyanka Rao-Ruiz and Ben Dichter will give talks on memory consolidation and analysis and storage of neurodata, respectively.

2019.09.04 | Event, Administration (Academic), All groups

AU invites you to the next sustainability network meeting

This time, Professor John Daniel will give a talk based on his research about the difficult art of communicating about sustainability. All employees and students are welcome.

Photo: Colourbox

2019.09.04 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

SDDs with more value

In the autumn, all employees and managers will meet for staff development dialogues (SDD) at AU. The SDD is your opportunity to discuss your tasks, results, well-being and competency development with your manager.

DCE at 35th ICPE, Philadelphia

2019.09.03 | Research, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

DCE at the 35th ICPE in Philadelphia

16 colleagues attended the 35th ICPE in Philadelphia.

Anja Olsen is new professor at Department of Publich Health. She will continue to manage her position as group leader in the Danish Cancer Society concurrently with the job as professor in Aarhus. Photo: Tomas Bertelsen.

2019.09.12 | People news, Research, Public/Media

New professor of lifestyle and cancer joins Aarhus University

Senior researcher and group leader at the Danish Cancer Society Anja Olsen has been appointed as Aarhus University’s new professor of lifestyle and cancer.

2019.09.03 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

Revolutionising the way we manage waste: A Danish researcher is developing a pioneering new technology

An engineer from Aarhus University has received EU funding for the launch of a new research project, which can have far-reaching and ground-breaking significance for the environment throughout the world. The project promises to completely revolutionise the way we manage liquid waste today.

Showing results 71 to 80 of 94

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