Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2020.10.21 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

PhD Defence: Maike Mose

The muscle preserving effects of different dairy proteins and ketone bodies in a human model of inflammatory disease.

2020.10.21 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

Virtual PhD defence: Christina Maria Lutz

Multi-variable models of dose response for precision radiotherapy of advanced lung cancer

DANDRITE Group Leader Keisuke Yonehara

2020.10.21 | Grants and awards, Public/Media, Dandrite

Keisuke Yonehara receives Lundbeck Foundation Ascending Investigator grant

DANDRITE Group Leader Keisuke Yonehara has managed to get through the eye of a needle beeing one of this year's Ascending Investigators appointed by the Lundbeck Foundation.

Søren Dinesen Østergaard, Ditte Demontis, Keisuke Yonehara and Vladimir Matchkov has all received the Ascending Investigator-grant from the Lundbeck Foundation.

2020.10.23 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff

Researchers from Health receive DKK 20 million for neuro research

One researcher from the Department of Clinical Medicine and three from the Department of Biomedicine receive Ascending Investigator grants from the Lundbeck Foundation. The grants go to neuroscience research and research into the treatment of diseases related to the nervous system.

2020.10.20 | Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

Career in Life Science Industry?

A series of webinars offered by Danish Diabetes Academy - 4-12 November 2020

2020.10.27 | Research, All groups, All AU units

What have we learned from teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic this spring?

A study of employees' and students' experiences from the lockdown period this spring confirms that the rapid conversion to online learning was challenging for many. The successes that were achieved were due to the enormous efforts made by staff and students, the pro-rector stressed.

2020.10.19 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

PhD defence: Pernille Kølbæk

Quantifying the core symptoms of schizophrenia

2020.10.19 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

Virtual PhD defence: Emil Gregersen

Study of aggregation and spreading of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's disease

2020.10.19 | Seminar, Academic staff, Dandrite

Thomas Willnow’s inaugural lecture

As of 1 December 2019, Thomas Willnow was appointed professor in Molecular and Cellular Physiology at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University. He will give a lecture entitled: ”Why eat your omega-3 fatty acids? – Brain lipid metabolism and Alzheimer’s disease”

2020.10.19 | Education, All groups, All AU units

Spotlight on the study environment

When the study environment survey kicks off this week, once again, all students will have the opportunity to express their opinion about the study environment at Aarhus University. Lecturers and members of staff who are in contact with students are encouraged to draw the students’ attention to this survey.

Showing results 41 to 50 of 86

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