Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

It’s time for pay negotiations

From 16 February to 6 March 2015, you can apply for a pay increase on the basis of the competences you have achieved and your work performance from 1 April 2013 to the present.

2015.02.12 | Signe Opstrup

Preparations for the spring pay negotiations at AU are being made. If you want to negotiate your salary, you need to fill out an application form and send it to your union representative. On the form, you should describe the work performance and competences that, in your opinion, entitle you to a pay increase.

After you submit your application, your union representative will sit down at the negotiating table with your manager and discuss the possibilities. You will be notified of the outcome of the negotiations as soon as pay negotiations are concluded for your entire department/centre, administrative division or administration centre. See the overall schedule for salary negotiations 2014 and 2015 (PDF).

You can negotiate pay for two salary periods

Because the 2014 pay negotiations were postponed, you can apply for/be recommended for a pay increase for performance and competences for two periods:

  • 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014
  • 1 April 2014 - 31 March 2015

You must indicate which period your application applies to. If you are applying for a pay increase for a work effort performed or competences delivered over both periods, you should apply for both periods on the same application form.

Applications should be precise and well-argued

When writing your application for this year’s pay negotiations, there are some special considerations you should take into account. Per Dahl, joint union representative for academic staff members organised under the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, explains:

“In the first place, this year’s pay negotiations apply to two periods of time. This means that it’s important to provide precise information about what period your application relates to, and whether you’re apply for a pay increase that applies to both periods. It might also be a good idea to state when you last received a salary increase. If you have moved to a new unit at AU, it’s a good idea to draw attention to this, and preferably with a date. In the second place, the amount earmarked for pay increases in the budget by the senior management is very small - 0.1 per cent for 2014 and 0.3 per cent for 2015. This means that negotiations will be difficult. But this shouldn’t discourage staff from applying, so I encourage everyone who has good arguments and who has done a good job to apply,” says Dahl.

Joint union representative for technical and administrative staff Aase Petersen adds: “Despite the fact that the amount announced by the management isn’t as large as we’d hoped, this shouldn’t discourage staff from applying for pay increases. And to ensure that there’s a good process for any employee who has moved to another unit/switched managers since 2013, the ‘new’ pay negotiator has an obligation to request information from and enter into dialogue with the former manager who negotiated the employee’s salary or his or her division manager, provided that they’re still employed at Aarhus University. In light of this, I hope that all employees who want to negotiate their salaries will find that their performance is recognised,” explains Bak.

Aligning expectations

"An important element in good salary negotiations is alignment of expectations and dialogue," says Deputy Director for HR Louise Gade: "For this reason, all managers with responsibility for pay negotiation have an important role to play in aligning expectations regarding pay increases with their employees well in advance of the negotiations. At the same time, it’s important that union representatives and managers with responsibility for pay negotiations assume shared responsibility for ensuring that the negotiations are carried out through open, constructive dialogue.”

Further information

  • On the website, you will find more information about salary negotiations for 2014 and 2015 
  • Who is my union representative? Who will be negotiating my pay if I have a new manager or have moved to another unit? When will pay increases be paid out?  See the answers in the FAQ 
Administrative, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, Administrative