It is a great pleasure for the ICHOCM Executive board and the local organizing committee to invite you to participate in the 11th International Conference on Homocysteine and One Carbon Metabolism at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, from 14.-18. May, 2017.
Date | Sun 14 May — Thu 18 May |
Time | 14:00 — 13:00 |
Location | Lake Auditoriums, AU campus |
The scientific program will cover the fields of research related to homocysteine and one-carbon metabolism and include leading researchers from around the globe as well as young promising scientists. The topic of the conferences is “Taking science to the next level – challenging paradigms and conventions”, and many internationally experts have accepted our invitation to give lectures. We encourage speakers to think about the conventions and paradigms in the expert fields, and consider whether these should be revisited and challenged. The conference will serve as a special tribute to Professor Ebba Nexo for her life-long contribution to the scientific field that we all embrace.
Please see our website for information on the program, registration, abstract submission and travel.