Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Collaboration Planning – how to identify and contact important stakeholders. 3-hour workshop.

2019.10.14 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Date Fri 15 Nov
Time 13:00 16:00
Location The meeting room 2.3, Studenterhusfonden, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C
Registration has closed

On behalf of TTO:


Speaker: Eoin Galligan, Business Developer at AU. 

How do you establish collaborations and approach companies with your research ideas? Turn your research into impact and learn how to build relationships and plan projects in this hands-on workshop. Collaboration planning is a skill set that can be learned. Collaboration with a range of stakeholders is a key skillset for both academic and industry research leaders. 

The workshop offers a simple process on: 

  • How to build relationships
  • How to plan projects
  • How to proceed to a signed, legal agreement
  • Understanding why collaboration proposals fail – and how you could be the principle scientist that succeeds

No preparation is needed but we invite you to think about how you can put your research into play in different contexts before the workshop. The event is free of charge but there is a limited number of seats so sign up is necessary



Eoin Galligan Ph.D. RTTP
Snr Business Development Manager
Technology Transfer Office
Research Support and External Relations
Aarhus Universitet

Meeting, Research, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine, Academic staff, PhD students