Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

3 Minutes Thesis competition (3MT)

Aarhus University invites all its PhD students to participate in this year’s 3MT

2020.12.16 | Lene Krarup Monrad

On 18 March 2021, Aarhus University will host the Coimbra Group Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT).

In 3MT, the participating PhD students present their research project in 3 minutes for an audience of non-specialists with only one static slide and no other resources.

Participation will enhance your research presentations skills and a tailored workshops will give you tools for public speaking with focus on rhetoric, body language and voice control.

Application deadline is 25 January 2021.

Please see attached flyer and the website for more information. 

Events, PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health
3MT_AU_Call_2021__002__01.pdf (1.2 Mb)