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Aarhus University appoints four honorary doctors

Professor Martha Nussbaum, Professor Dame Carol Robinson, Professor Mark Daly and Professor Linda Argote. Honorary doctorates will be conferred on these four prominent researchers at Aarhus University on the occasion of the university’s annual celebration on 13 September 2019. On the same occasion, four talented students will receive the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant.

2019.09.03 | Ida Hammerich Nielson

Professor Martha Nussbaum (Arts)

Professor Dame Carol Robinson (Science and Technology)

Professor Mark Daly (Health)

Professor Linda Argote (Aarhus BSS)

On Friday 13 September 2019, Aarhus University will celebrate its 91st anniversary. On this occasion, the university will appoint four honorary doctors. The title is given to a prominent researcher within each faculty at Aarhus University – Arts, Aarhus BSS, Science and Technology and Health. The honorary doctorates are conferred on researchers from other institutions with whom Aarhus University has a close and valued partnership. 

The 2019 honorary doctors are:

Professor Martha Nussbaum, University of Chicago. Field of research: Political philosophy and ethics (Arts)

Professor Dame Carol Robinson, University of Oxford. Field of research: Chemical biology (Science and Technology)

Professor Mark Daly, University of Helsinki. Field of research: Human genetics (Health)

Professor Linda Argote, Carnegie Mellon University. Field of research: Organisational learning (Aarhus BSS)

At the annual celebration, Aarhus University will also be awarding the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant to four particularly talented students. The travel grant of DKK 25,000 was established in 2010 as a present to HM Queen Margrethe on the occasion of her 70th birthday. At Arts and Aarhus BSS, the grant is awarded to students of archaeology and political science – the two subjects studied by the future Queen of Denmark during her time as a student at Aarhus University in 1961-1962.

The recipients of the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant 2019 are: Axel Hee Rømer (archaeology), Line Pedersen (food technology), Jon Hagen Herskind (sport science) and Jannik Fenger (political science).

Read more about the four recipients of the HM Queen Margrethe II Travel Grant 2019.

Grants and awards, All groups, All AU units, Aarhus University, Research, External target group