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Aarhus University moves up in major international academic ranking

More academic publications and a higher international citation rate are the main reasons Aarhus University has moved up eight spots on the 2016 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), which has just been announced.


Aarhus University climbs eight steps on the international Shanghai ranking list. Photo: Jesper Rais, Aarhus University.

Aarhus University is now ranked number 65 on the so-called Shanghai ranking of the best universities in the world. This represents a move up of eight places since last year.

The major reasons for the improvement are that the university’s researchers have published more papers, and more of them are among the most cited researchers in the world. Over the past decade, Aarhus University has climbed the ranking steadily, and has been in the top 100 since 2008. 

The Shanghai ranking identifies and ranks the world’s best 500 university on the basis of criteria including the number of Nobel Prizes, Fields Medals and papers published in prominent scientific journals such as Nature and Science. The ranking is dominated by major Anglo-American universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge and Oxford.

See Aarhus University’s ranking

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  • Head of Press Affairs Anders Correll, 

    45 2899 2235

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