Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Academic Council

Agenda, time and place for the meeting (to be published 14 days before the meeting)

2015.03.12 | Mads Henning Jensen

Date Thu 17 Sep
Time 00:00 00:00

What is the Academic Council?
The Academic Council is the faculty’s senior advisory body. It prepares statements and recommendations to the dean and the rector. The Council’s role is:

  • to issue opinions to the rector on the internal distribution of appropriations,
  • to issue opinions to the rector on key strategic research questions and educational issues and plans for knowledge exchange,
  • to make recommendations to the rector on the composition of expert committees appointed to assess applicants for academic positions,
  • and to award PhD and higher doctoral degrees.

Who are the members of the Academic Council?
The Council consists of 18 members. The dean is automatically a member. The members are distributed in the following way:
Academic staff at Health: Twelve members
Students at Health: Five members
In addition, three observers from the technical and administrative staff at Health also participate.

Further information
On Health’s website, you can find a list of the members of the Academic Council , read more about the Academic Council’s work, find the minutes of the meetings and read the Rules of Procedure for the Academic Council.

Meeting, Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff