Cold atoms and beyond
2014.06.20 |
Date | Wed 25 Jun — Fri 27 Jun |
Time | 13:30 — 15:00 |
Location | Aarhus University, Buildings 1630-1632, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. |
In recent years, the field of ultracold atoms has experienced an explosion of activity, producing results of fundamental importance well beyond the confines of traditional atomic physics. While much of the current progress is inspired by the physics of solid state systems, the question remains to what degree cold atoms may inspire other fields, i.e. what are the important questions in modern physics, which cold atoms may help address and potentially solve?
This three-day conference from 25 to 27 June 2014 has brought together 24 early career researchers, representing a broad range of current experimental and theoretical efforts from the field of cold atoms and beyond. The format will be short talks with regular breaks for discussions.