Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

AIAS Symposium: Cutting Edge Technologies for Neurobiology

The Brain is one of the most complex and amazing organs in our body. It essentially controls everything that we perceive and all of our actions. An understanding of molecular to circuit-level mechanisms of brain functions, including perception, cognition and consciousness in health and disease, is one of the most challenging subjects of basic science in the 21st century.

2018.05.25 | Susanne Schousboe Sjøgaard

Date Thu 20 Sep
Time 13:09 13:09
Location Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Denmark
Registration has closed

To achieve this ambitious goal, it is essential to apply multidisciplinary and state-of-art technology to neurobiology.  In this one day symposium, A range of experts from multidisciplinary fields will introduce their development of cutting-edge technologies and the application of these techniques to answering fundamental questions in neurobiology.

Date and time: 20 September 2018 at 8:30-17:00
Venue:  Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University

More information: http://aias.au.dk/events/cutting-edge-technologies-for-neurobiology/

Conference, Research, Academic staff, Promemo, Promemo, PhD students