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Associate professor of philosophy and professor of education receive prizes of honour

Associate Professor Lars Bo Gundersen has been awarded the Prize of Honour for Pedagogics for his engaging teaching in logic, and Professor Eva Gulløv, who researches children’s relationships, has been awarded the Research Communication Prize. Both honours will be conferred in connection with Aarhus University's annual celebration on 10 September 2021.

2021.09.10 | Ida Hammerich Nielson

In keeping with tradition, two AU researchers will be honoured for their teaching and popular research communication when the Aarhus University Anniversary Foundation awards the Prize of Honour for Pedagogics and the Research Communication Prize are conferred at the annual celebration on 10 September which marks the university’s 93rd birthday. Both prizes carry a cash award of 60,000 DKK.

Recipient of the Prize of Honour for Pedagogics 2021: Associate Professor Lars Bo Gundersen, School of Culture and Society

Lars Bo Gundersen teaches philosophy students and has had particular success in getting students excited about logic. He excels in excite and inspire the students using digital tools, varying forms of instruction and involvement, for example by recording short videos, inviting industry executives to the auditorium and writing scholarly articles in collaboration with his students – and he has developed a brand new learning app. According to Lars Bo Gundersen, successful teaching is collaborative.

“Any success that I have as an educator is to a high degree also the students’ due.”

Read more about Associate Professor Lars Bo Gundersen

Recipient of the Research Communication Prize 2021: Professor MSO of Education Eva Gulløv, DPU

Eva Gulløv is a expert in  child anthropology and children’s sociology, and she has communicated her research both inside and outside of the university during her career. Her books are used on a large scale in institutions such as university colleges, and one of Eva Gulløv’s most important points is that children teach us about society. 

“By looking at what children think is valuable or high-status, we can get an idea of what their society’s values are – which are not always explicitly acknowledged. It’s this kind of insight about culture that interests me,” says Eva Gulløv.

Read more about Professor Eva Gulløv

Read more about the Aarhus University Anniversary Foundation Prize of Honour


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