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August Krogh on Tour: Systems analysis of Insulin and Exercise Actions in Muscle and Fat

The ‘August Krogh On Tour’ program is proud to announce this lecture in an event series to celebrate the legacy of August Krogh.

2019.10.11 | Health Kommunikation

Date Wed 13 Nov
Time 13:00 15:00
Location AIAS Building 1630-1632, 201, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

The speaker is Professor David James Leonard P. Ullmann Chair of Metabolic Systems Biology, Charles Perkins Centre, School of Life & Environmental Sciences and Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Australia.

See more information about the lecture here.

Signing up is not necessary.


Professor Niels Jessen

Mail: Niels.Jessen@biomed.au.dk

Event, Health and disease, Public/Media, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff, Department of Biomedicine, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Public Health