Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

AULA to close on 1 January 2017

The AULA e-learning platform is to close definitively at the end of the year. The platform has been replaced by Blackboard, so there is no longer any need to provide maintenance or support for AULA.

2016.07.07 | Mette Louise Ohana


All staff and students at Health have had access to Blackboard since 2015.

Following several notifications, access to AULA is to cease definitively six months from now.

If you, as a lecturer or student, have any material on AULA that you wish to save, please make sure to withdraw this material and save it elsewhere, as you will not be able to access AULA once the platform has been closed.

If you have any questions concerning the closure, please contact Janne Saltoft Hansen, Project Manager, at jsh@cesu.au.dk.

Administrative, Academic staff, Health, Health, Education, Technical / administrative staff, Students