Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Basic course in PhD Supervision

2017.09.11 | Health Kommunikation

Date Mon 27 Nov Mon 18 Dec
Time 09:00    16:00
Location Aarhus University, “Stakladen” in Meeting room 1, Frederik Nielsens Vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C.

Participants: Postdocs, assistant professors, clinical associate professors, clinicians at AU HE or AUH that currently undertake supervision or co-supervision of enrolled PhD students or research year students at AU HE. NB! Please note that the course is mandatory for main supervisors.

Overall aim: The quality of PhD students’ education is largely dependent on the PhD supervisor’s competencies as a supervisor. The aim of the basic course in PhD supervision is to expand the participants’ repertoire of supervision strategies and methods in order to provide a flexible approach to supervision, strengthen their reflections on practices, roles and relationships in the supervision process, and share experiences and new knowledge for advancing PhD supervisors’ competencies.

Contents: The course is about supervision in research education, including supervision of PhD students and research year students. The course aims at developing supervisors’ competencies and flexible approach in the actual supervision process, thus the course put emphasis on hand-on training and exchange of knowledge. The supervisor’s ability to approach the supervisee in a flexible way is a key issue in the course. Flexibility in supervision is a matter of knowing how to adjust the guidance of students with different needs, different challenges, and different backgrounds. The content of the course focuses on the following basic elements:

- Process management in supervision.
- Supervisor roles and the relationships between supervisor and supervisee.
- Clarifying expectations - making implicit values explicit to the student.
- Intercultural aspects of supervision.
- Text feedback.
- Talent development.
- Rules and regulations of the Graduate School of Health.

Working methods: The course comprises of three modules distributed over approximately 6 weeks. The participants’ working methods at the course vary from small group exercises, small group discussions, individual training and reflection, and plenary discussions. In order to stimulate collegial network and cooperation the participants are grouped in learnings groups of 4-5 persons per group. These groups are recurring groups throughout the course. In addition to participation in the three modules, the participants are expected to do ‘homework’ related to the course: creation of a supervisory letter, description of an unsolved challenge in the actual supervision of a student, reading of selected papers, and handing in a concluding assignment.

Organizer: Mette Krogh Christensen.

Duration: 21 hours (the course is a 3-day course: 3 days of 7 hours).

Number of participants: 8-24.

Time: 27 November, 5 and 18 December 2017, from 09.00 to 16.00 each day. 

Event, Technical / administrative staff, Health, Health, Academic staff