Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturer Per Höllsberg: "Corrupted by viruses"

2019.01.08 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Date Wed 06 Nov
Time 12:00 13:00
Location Lille Anatomisk aud. build. 1231-424


Certain viruses have primary tropism for cells in the immune system thereby causing problems by corrupting the regulation of the responses against them. Both retroviruses and herpesviruses have exploited this, in some cases causing neurologic diseases or lymphomas. This talk will discuss the mechanisms of the interaction between virus and host-cell. Specific emphasis will be given to the strategies used by human herpesviruses (HHV)-6A and HHV-6B when it comes to entry of the cell, recognition of the infected cell by the immune system, viral reprogramming of the infected cell, and the potential consequences for the differentiation of the cell.  Both of these viruses have attracted much attention by being associated with Alzheimer’s disease, as recently described by others in two Neuron papers.

The talk will be 45 min in duration, followed by 15 minutes of discussion.

It is possible to sign-up for a free sandwich no later than 4th November.  

The Biomedicine Seminar Organising Committee

Line Reinert
Martin Thomsen
Søren Degn 

Seminar, Research, Public/Media, Health, Department of Biomedicine, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Technical / administrative staff, PhD students