Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturers: Charlotte Christie Petersen, FACS Core; Alexander Schmitz, CyTOF Core; Nina Glöckner & Anna Lorentzen, Bioimaging Core

2021.09.22 | Zitta Glattrup Nygaard

Date Wed 01 Dec
Time 12:00 13:00
Location Ll. Anat. Aud.


  • 12.00-12.20
    Bioimaging Core Facility; Nina Glöckner and Anna Lorentzen who heads the will present the various microscopes and third advantages and courses they can offer. imaging.au.dk/ 
  • 12.20-12.40:   
    ACS Core Facility; Charlotte Christie Petersen will give examples on how flow cytometry and cell sorting can help your research. Instruments and examples of applications will be presented: facs.au.dk
  • 12.40-13.00:   
    CyTOF Unit; Alexander Schmitz will present the concept of suspension mass cytometry, the +50 parameter flow cytometry alternative for deep immunophenotyping and functional assays from single cell. https://biomed.au.dk/cytof/

Zoom: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/63640919721

The 3 talks are 12 min followed by 5 minutes of discussion, each, for a total of 1 hr. 


It is possible to sign-up for a free sandwich, if you follow this link:  https://events.au.dk/biomedicineseminar1december2021

Please note the deadline for sandwich sign-up is Monday the 29th of November.


Biomedicine seminar organizing committee

Mikkel Vendelbo
Line Reinert
Søren Egedal Degn
Martin Kristian Thomsen

Seminar, Research, Public/Media, Health, Department of Biomedicine, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine, Technical / administrative staff, Academic staff